Friday, September 10, 2010



  1. I am dismayed by your offensive title. Then you take it to the next level with that video. As the parent of a child with special needs I shake my head at people like you who think it okay to mock and demean people with special needs. Do you mock other groups or do you only think it's okay to mock those with mental retardation. Shame on you for not giving a seconds thought how your title and picture marginalizes people who happen to have been born with a lower IQ than yours. Why not pick on someone your own size?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yeah I kinda felt bad when I titled this that. But how else do title this video. If anything you should be made at the guy in it. And If you have even seen the rest of my blog, you would know I mock everything equally. Well maybe except for Juggalos. If I post something about juggalos its cause they kick ass!!
