Wednesday, September 21, 2011

He Shall be Missed.

Just Say NO to buying stuffs.

Are YOU! the life...

A league of his own.

Now some bad acting audtions

What a Retard.

First World Problems Meet Third World Streets.

Would you want this man to report on your teenage son?

Don't Encourage IT!!!

My Demo Reel.

These Are my grandparents. My middle name is Brooke.


1:30..One Minute.....Thirty Seconds.....In.

Needs Lava Pits to be Good.

Operation Star Wars isn't just for Russian Missle Defense Anymore.

Goat. Now with some Oprah.

Mooooorrrtalll Kooooommmbatt!!!

Kids. Beat. Dragon.

Jap Land Has Done It Again.

The voice of Angel...A deaf, functionally retarded Angel.

I think I found my Real Birth Father.

Listen to this with your eyes closed.

One Sags Lower.

Rap has become relevant to me.